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Soft Mitt Restraint System

Soft Mitt Restraint System

Type Price(s)
Equipment £330.00 Add to cart

The SecuriCare Soft Mitt Restraint System. Designed and developed via consultation and input from our customers who work in high-risk settings. This alternative to traditional wrist restraints provides a softer, safer option for mechanical restraint and to prevent injury or harm, or to aid with providing care or medical intervention.

The Soft Mitts are designed to secure the person's hands to the front of the person making them ideal for transporting people in cars, buses, road/air ambulances, aircraft, cruise ships/Ferries etc. When used in conjunction with the Securing Belt, the Mitts can be secured to the front or to the side of the person.

The Securicare Soft Mitts are available with or without access vents which allow access to the restrained person's hands. They can be fitted singularly for easier application. Once applied they can be joined together or secured to the side individually (with Securing Belt).

For more information or to arrange a demonstration please contact one of our qualified team.

CALL US NOW +44 1904 492 442