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Managing the Risks of Working Alone

Managing the Risks of Working Alone

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Publication +11 (£4.75)
+51 (£4.50)
+101 (£4.25)
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Lone workers face unique challenges and heightened risks due to the isolated nature of their roles. Without the immediate support of colleagues, they may be more vulnerable to workplace hazards, including exposure to challenging, angry or aggressive behaviours from clients, customers, or the public. It is crucial for both lone workers and their employers to proactively assess these risks and implement appropriate safety measures.

This e-book is specifically designed to help lone workers and those who employ them better understand these potential dangers and develop strategies to mitigate them. It provides valuable insights into conducting thorough risk assessments of working conditions and situations that may arise. The guidance emphasises the importance of identifying hazards early and taking steps to create a safer working environment, such as developing clear communication protocols, ensuring access to emergency assistance, and providing adequate training in conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques.

In addition to practical safety tips, this e-book covers the management of aggressive behaviours and strategies to prevent challenging situations from escalating. Employers will also find advice on meeting legal and regulatory responsibilities, ensuring they provide the safest possible conditions for their lone workers.

Available as an e-book, this guide offers essential support for those seeking to improve personal safety in the workplace and create a more secure, confident workforce.

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